Last Update: 11/10/2023

Program Overview

ATPUSATAXATION BookkeepingModule OurCourseOfferings: 1. IndividualTaxCourse–Masterthenuancesofpersonaltax filingsandstrategiestooptimizetaxoutcomesforindividualclients. 2.BusinessTaxCourse–Divedeepintobusinesstaxobligations, exploringtaxplanningforcorporations,partnerships,andself employedindividuals. 3.IRSRepresentation–Gainessentialknowledgeonrepresenting clientsbeforetheIRS,fromrespondingtoauditstoensuring compliancewithIRSprocedures. WhatSetsITTApart: AtITT,wegobeyondthebasics.Ouruniqueprogramalsofocuses onadvancedtopics,including: 1. IdentificationofIncome–Learntoaccuratelyidentifyand categorizeincome,acriticalskillforminimizingliabilitiesandensuring precisefilings. 2.TaxLawEthics–Understandtheethicalframeworkgoverningtax practice,givingyoutheconfidencetoupholdthehighestprofessional standards. 3.CapitalGains–Developexpertiseincapitalgainstax,fromcalculating gainsandlossestounderstandingtaximplicationsondifferentassets. WhyChooseITT? As an ISO-certified institution in Pakistan with a proven track record of delivering quality education, ITT is committed to providing students with arobust learning experience. Our course is designed not just to educate, but to empower you to become a skilled tax preparer ready to excel in the U.S. tax system. Join us at ITT and take the next step toward a rewarding career in tax preparation. Mastering Income, Ethics, and Capital Gains: Essential Skills for Tax Professionals Identification of Income: Mastering income identification and categorization is essential for minimizing tax liabilities and ensuring accurate filings. This course module will guide you through distinguishing various income types to maximize compliance and optimize tax outcomes. TaxLaw Ethics: Gain a deep understanding ofthe ethicalprinciples in tax practice. This training builds yourconfidence to uphold professionalism and integrity, navigating complex scenarios with adherence to regulatory standards. Capital Gains: Learn the essentials of capital gains tax, including how to calculate gains and losses on various assets. This module will help you understand the tax implications of capital transactions, equipping you to make informed decisions and optimize tax strategies. USATAXATIONModule1 INDIVIDUALS: 1. Preliminary work with Tax payer Data 2. Filing Status 3. Dependency Relationship 4. Taxable and Non-Taxable Income 5. Investment Income 6. Basis of Assets 7. Capitalist Gains and Losses 8. Recognition Property Transactions 9. Rental and Royalties 10.Other Income 11. Adjustments to Gross Income 12.Standard and Itemized Deductions 13. Individuals Tax Credits 14.Additional Taxes and Credits 15. Individual Retirements Account (IRA) USATAXATIONModule2 BUSINESS: 1. NewTaxLawforBusinesses 2. Business Entities and Requirements 3. Accounting Periods and Methods 4. Business Income 5. Business Expenses 6. Employee Compensation and Fringe Benefits 7. Other Business Deductions 8. TheBasis of Business Assets 9. Depreciation and Amortization 10.Disposition of Business Assets 11. Partnerships in General 12.Partnership Distributions 13. C Corporations in General 14.Corporates Transactions 15. Corporates Distributions and Liquidations 16.S Corporations 17. Farming Business 18.Nonprofit Organizations 19.Retirement Plans USATAXATIONModule3 IRS REPRESENTATION: 1. NewTaxLawChanges Representation 2. Legal Authority of the IRS 3. Practice Before the IRS 4. Authorizations and Disclosures 5. Circular 230 and Best Practice 6. Practitioner Standards and Tax Advice 7. Due-Diligence for Refundable Credits 8. Record keeping Requirements 9. Practitioner Misconduct 10.Tax Payments and IRS Collections 11. IRS Examnation Process 12.IRS Appeals Process 13. The IRS e-file Program 14.Identity Theft and Safeguarding Tax-payer Data Benefits and Career Scope of US Tax Preparer Numerous advantages and a solid job path might come with the learning of UStaxes and its preparer on process. Here are some advantages and potential career paths connected to tax preparer on in the US: Job Stability: Since both individuals and corporation are obliged to submit tax returns each year, there is always a need for tax preparer on services. As a result, tax preparers will always be in demand, providing career security. Flexible Work Arrangements: Tax preparers have a lot of freedom in how they choose to work. They can start their own tax preparer on business and operate as independent contractors, or they can work as a tax professional for accounting firms, financial institutions, or tax preparer on businesses. Seasonal Work: Although demand for tax preparer on services peaks from January to April, and August to November many preparers also provide year-round services including tax planning, consultation, and assistance with tax-related issues. This makes it possible to have a steadier revenue stream throughout the year. Opportunities for Professional Development: There are several ways to advance your professional career in the tax preparer on industry. Enrolled Agent (EA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), and Accredited Tax Preparer (ATP) are just a few of the qualification available to tax preparers. These credentials increase respectability, broaden employment opportunities, and equip tax preparers to deal with more intricate tax issues. Opportunities for Entrepreneurship: Many tax preparers decide to launch their own tax preparer on firms. By starting their own businesses (Freelancing), they may increase their clientele, their revenue, and perhaps even recruit other tax preparers to work under their supervision. Relationshipswithclients: Workingcloselywithclientswhilepreparingtaxesoffersanopportunityto forgelong-lastingprofessionalconnections.Developingaclientandreferral networkmayresultinrepeatbusiness,word-of-mouthrecommendations, andanincreasedclientele IncomePotential: Taxpreparersearningpotentialvariesdependingontheir levelofexperience,levelofspecialization,location,andsizeoftheirclientele. Taxpreparersmightchargemorefortheirservicesastheydevelopexpertise and focus on difficult tax issues. Career Advancement: Thereareseveralwaystoenhanceyourcareerinthetaxprepareronindustry.In accountingbusinesses,taxpreparerscanadvancetomanagementpositions,join thefirmaspartners,orevenchangecareerstoworkinrelatedareasliketax consulting, financial planning, or corporate taxes. OUTCOME: 1. Basic understanding of tax and its variously passer US tax laws. 2. Trainingforjobinterviewandclientinterview. 3. UnderstandingofdifferentincomeswithrespecttoUS. 4. Understandingofdifferenttaxscheduleandformsalongwiththeirusageand effects in tax returns. 5. Basic understanding of different companies with respect to Federal and State Govt. 6. Understanding and practice of detailed 1040 return submission on define software. 7. Understanding and practice of payroll process and calculations on Quick Books



   Cost Rs 50000

   No. Of Sessions 48 Lectures


   Level ADVANCE

1) Preliminary work with Tax payer Data
2) Filing Status
3) Dependency Relationship
4) Taxable and Non-Taxable Income
5) Investment Income
6) Basis of Assets
7) Capitalist Gains and Losses
8) Recognition Property Transactions
9) Rental and Royalties
10) Other Income
11) Adjustments to Gross Income
12) Standard and Itemized Deductions
13)Individuals Tax Credits
14) Additional Taxes and Credits
15)Individual Retirements Account (IRA)
1) New Tax Law for Businesses
2) Business Entities and Requirements
3) Accounting Periods and Methods
4) Business Income
5) Business Expenses
6) Employee Compensation and Fringe Benefits
7) Other Business Deductions
8) The Basis of Business Assets
9) Depreciation and Amortization
10) Disposition of Business Assets
11) Partnerships in General
12) Partnership Distributions
13)C Corporations in General
14)Corporates Transactions
15)Corporates Distributions and Liquidations
16) S Corporations
17) Farming Business
18) Nonprofit Organizations
19)Retirement Plans
1) New Tax Law Changes Representation
2) Legal Authority of the IRS
3) Practice Before the IRS
4) Authorizations and Disclosures
5) Circular 230 and Best Practice
6) Practitioner Standards and Tax Advice
7) Due-Diligence for Refundable Credits
8) Recordkeeping Requirements
9) Practitioner Misconduct
10) Tax Payments and IRS Collections
11)IRS Examination Process
12)IRS Appeals Process
13) The IRS e-file Program
14)Identity Theft and Safeguarding Tax-payer Data